Our Vision:

  • To provide Professional & Early Childhood Care and Education Nursery with warm, loving, caring and homely touch.
  • To encourage children to be imaginative and creative.

Our Mission:
  • To nurture every aspect of a child's development: the physical, social-emotion, intellectual and cognitive, social, languages, cultural and spiritual components of their lives.
  • At Taska Ceria, we bring a concept of playschool where all the activities are mainly focus on children total development. We believe that children learn through play as play is their voluntary activity, and such voluntary activity creates the foundation for the balanced development of mind and body.

Organisation of The Early-Years Syllabus:

  1. Personal, Social & Emotional Development
  2. Communication, Language and Literacy
  3. Mathematical Development
  4. Knowledge and Understanding of The World
  5. Physical Development
  6. Creative Development
  7. Practical Life Exercise
  8. Other Languages : Mandarin & Bahasa Malaysia

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